WhatPoster Guide

Send bulk WhatsApp messages from your PC & WhatsApp registration tool


WhatPoster is WhatsApp account registrations tool, it uses Whatsapp Web technology but adds useful features to do Whatsapp Marketing and send Whatsapp messages to multiple users at the same time. Here are the reasons why you should use WhatPoster to contact all your friends / relatives or potential customers to do Whatsapp marketing at a professional level. Any question, feel free to contact our support team here:Contact Us

1. Installation

01. Requirements

★Requirements: Run program as administrator on Windowns, have Net Framework >=4.5.2 installed.
(Dowload Net Framework 4.5.2)
★You can dowload WhatPoster latest version from Latest WhatPoster version

02、Bind key to your computer

★You can Start Free Trial, or Has key, go to authenticate.

2. WhatsApp account online registration

01. Choose your phone line

★After you got the phone number, please use your mobile phone to register WhatsApp account, enter the phone number on your mobile phone, the software will start to receive the verification code after 20 seconds.

02. Get phone number

★Click "Get phone number" button, waiting to receive verification code, after receiving the verification code, enter it into your mobile phone to complete the registration.

3. Import accounts and set messages

01. Manual import WhatsApp accounts

02. Import customer phone numbers

03. Set Post Text

★There also support “Spin rules”: it will allow you to set an array of words with the same meaning or synonyms (e.g Hello, Hi, Hey), as format: {Hello|Hi|Hey}, and when you send the message, the program randomly will use them. In this way you automatically will send different messages and you will reduce the risk of “ban”.

★Click “Cumstomer Name” button to insert as “{UserName}”.

04. Add Attachments (photos, videos, files)

★You can also select files to attach (photos, videos or files) and send with the message.

4. Multi accounts sending messages

01. Global Setting

★In send option, you can a proper sleep interval, to avoid blocking when sending amount of messages.

02. Send the messages

★When all customers WhatsApp phone numbers are loaded and the messages is ready, just click on Start Tasks button below.

★After clicking on Start Tasks button, it will open Chrome browser window.

★You can send from new fresh session (after login) or send from a saved whatsapp account (do not require login). You can also send messages from multiple whatsapp account by selecting multiple lines in the Accounts List.

03. Scan the QR Code

★Click on Start Tasks button and WhatPoster automatically will open “web.whatsapp.com” on Google Chrome and you will see a QR code. Scan this QR code with the scanner within WhatsApp. To do so, open WhatsApp on your phone and:

> On Android: in the Chats screen > Menu > WhatsApp Web.
> On iPhone: go to Settings > WhatsApp Web.
> On Windows Phone: go to Menu > WhatsApp Web

So, scan the QR Code on your computer screen from your phone. Soon after, the WhatsApp message will be sent to all recipients!

5. How to auto generate mobile numbers

01. load account configuration from account list.

02. click on Manual Import button.

03. Start number must be in an internation format

04. Set the count of generated numbers

05. Click on Generate button.(You can generate more times)

06. Click on Import button.

6. How to filter the valid WhatsApp phone numbers

01. Select lines in the accounts list, and confirm that the customer phone numbers has been added to the account, refer to "02. Import customer phone numbers" and "5. How to auto generate mobile numbers"

02. Select task type: Filtering Task

03. Click the Start Tasks button

04. If the opened account browser has not scanned the code to log in, please use the corresponding WhatsApp account on the phone to scan the code to log in

05. The speed setting of the number Filtering task and the message Sending task share one set of setting, both of which are set in the "Global Settings"

06. Please keep in mind that filtering process is more dangerous than sending, so please be careful when you use, and always to keep your account safe send to known recipients that interact with your messages, which is give your account more credibility and reduce chance of blocking.

7. Tutorials for some useful modules

01. Specify a WhatsApp account, click on "Extract Phones" button, extract all contact phone numbers from the specified account, and save to the local file

02. Specify a WhatsApp account, select one group in the opend chrome browser, click on "ExtractGroupPhones" button to extract all phone number from the Group, and save to the local file

03. Chat with specified customer phone number (even if the phone number is not in the contact list)

04. Sort customer phone list (customers sorted by ID, customers sorted by Task Status)

★Support "mouse press + Drag" to select multiple lines

★Support "Ctrl + A" to select all

★Support "Ctrl + mouse Click" to select multiple discontinuous lines

★Support "Shift + mouse click" to select consecutive lines

05. Delete/Add country codes in bulk

Delete or Add country or region phone codes in bulk, such as: 86 or 852

06. Export selected customer phones to the local file

After exporting the selected customers to the local file, you can switch to another account, and then click the "From File.." button to import to this account

07. Copy the selected customers to the clipboard (multiple formats)

After copying the selected lines to the clipboard, you can switch to another account, and then click the "Manual Import" button to import to this account

08. Batch setting the Task Status

★"-" means the task is Not Started

★"√" means the task is Successful

★"×" means the task is Failed

★"○" means ignore in the current task;
By default, the WhatPoster will proccess sending messages or filtering numbers task on all lines with "-" status.


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