InstaJets Guide

Instagram Bulk DMs, Scrape users Bot

InstaJets Guide


InstaJets is the best automation bot for Instagram. It has many advanced features:

1) Send bulk messages automatically to targeted audience using multiple Instagram accounts.

2) Scrape user's followers, user's followings, post likers, post commenters.

3) Schedule post local medias to Instagram.

4) Data Privacy: all the data you process is on your local computer and never passes through our servers.

Any question, feel free to contact our support team here:Contact Us

1. Download and install InstaJets

1) Requirements

★Requirements: Run program as administrator on Windows, have Net Framework >=4.8 installed.
(Dowload Net Framework 4.8)
★You can dowload InstaJets latest version from Latest InstaJets version

2) Start Your Free Trial

2. Add multiple Instagram accounts to InstaJets and login to Instagram

1) Instagram login automation (Method 1)

2) Instagram login manually (Method 2)

★If Method 1 logged failed, For example, Instagram noticed unusual activity from your account and have temporarily restricted certain actions, the Method 1 will login failed, you should use Method 2 to login your Instagram and then save to InstaJets.

3. Scrape recent & top posts on hashtag section, filtering posts by multiple keywords

1) Scrape recent & top posts on hashtag section.

2) Filtering posts by multiple keywords.

3) Extract the usernames from posts.

4. Download post medias to local compter

5. Scrape user's followers, user's followings, post likers, post commenters

1) Fetch the Followers or Followings of any account.

2) Extract the usernames of likers/commenters of the post URLs

6. Send bulk messages automatically to targeted audience using multiple Instagram accounts

1) Send DMs to custom users.

2) Auto switch Instagram accounts to send DMs.

3) Customized random text messages.

4) Spin syntax supported.

7. Schedule post local medias to Instagram

1) Setting local medias to account.

2) Setting schedule posting times.

3) Starting schedule posting task.


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